
The Dirty Canvas is not responsible for links to third party sites and the contents of their pages. All singles posted on this site are for promotional use only and are to be deleted within 24 hours. Songs are available only to generate hype for the upcoming album or mixtape and after being deleted you should purchase the songs legally through the proper channels.
The Dirty Canvas does not condone any type of illegal downloading of any music. We will never post a link to illegally download an album and do not support such actions. We assume that by visiting this site you are agreeing to the conditions in this disclaimer and therefore know to delete all singles after 24 hours and not to download music illegally. We can and will not be held responsible for third party links. Any copyright infringement of any kind is not tolerated and we respect those who own those copyrights.
The Dirty Canvas users agree that we are hereby absolved from any and all liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including attorney’s fees asserted against The Dirty Canvas, its agents, officers, employees, or associates, that may arise or result from any service provided, performed, be agreed to be performed by The Dirty Canvas
The Dirty Canvas reserves the right to update this policy at any time without notice. By using this site in any way, you agree that it is your responsibility to make sure you are adhering to the disclaimer and terms of service at all times. Any failure to do so is in your sole discretion and we at The Dirty Canvas will not be liable for any damages you may cause or incur.